Star Knight Errant: Thrust

(4.4 / 5)
When Martian Air Science Engineer Cass Hedley takes a dare to use her latest Artificial Intelligence system for an erotic release night, there’s only one guy she can imagine with — the iconic Star Knight Errant comic book hero. She imagines powerful hands, tough abs, and bubble baths, but she has another idea in her black market AI — an illegal fighting club that only ends in the death of her sexy companion… or hers.
When transported to an unknown desert planet by Evander Mór, his mission shifts. He’ll find out what backwater he’s landed on and enjoy a well-earned weekend off with a lovely scientist instead of brokering a peace agreement. But when things get warmer than a supernova between them, he finds that he has only eighteen hours to prevent an AI bent on killing, convinces Cass that he is more than fiction, and finds a way to cross the gulf between galaxies to take her home.