His offer: 365 days and nights= $1 million My addendum: I’m not making His promise: you’re going to beg for it before the year’s end, My days of lying and stealing are over, but then Nicholas Crawford is making me an offer I can’t decline. Spend a year in return for $1 million usd claimed to be his significant other.

I attempted to bring that portion of my career behind me, and that hard-won ability. I need the cash, though. He has to have a spouse.

I informed him I was never going to bed with him. He pledged me I’d finally beg for it. Now, more than ever, I want him.

Especially when I ride over his chiseled flesh with my hands and he teases me with his tongue.

Especially when he brings his fingers on my little side and bites me. I want him to cry so much. I want him so much… I might even beg.